Sealing & Maintenance Products

Seal, clean, protect and keep your project as new as the first day you installed it.

We have some of the best quality and tested sealing and maintenance products in the market for marble, granite and natural stones.

These are the same products we use when we are installing your projects so you know they are of unique quality and durability.

Sealing & Maintenance Products

Real marble maintenance showcase

It is easy to clean your materials when you have the best products

Piece of marble stained from rust and derbis
Stage 1: Assesment of damage
Stage 2: Application of marble cleaning product
Cleaning of stained marble with professional cleaning product
Stage 3: Treatment of surface
Previously stained marble totally cleaned after treatment
Stage 4: Marble cleaned and restored


Protect your materials with the best waterproofing products

Waterproofed marble
Waterproofed marble surface

Are you interested or want more information?

We are always happy to answer all your questions, help you pick the right material for your project and guide you through the realization of your vision.

Feel free to contact us for any questions you may have.